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Recenzje (1 995)


Bodyguard i żona zawodowca (2021) 

angielski The verbal humour was a bit hammy at times, but otherwise it was pleasantly irreverent, with an impeccable Salma Hayek. I hate to use the cliché that she “had fun”, but in her case it really applies and she must have enjoyed her part incredibly. I guess the guys and gals behind the camera on set must have had fun during her performances too, including the flapper. Moreover, in the case of Salma, this is clear evidence that a woman in her fifties can look great even without hideous plastic surgery (Hollywood princesses say hello).


Killing Birds: Raptors (1987) 

angielski Porn-guru D'Amato pulled it off. This film is surprisingly free of holes in logic, and the guy even spared cheap nudity. Pomo probably had a weaker moment, because there is nothing outrageous or disgusting, if you’re is used to the 1980s brutality of Italian cinema. The completely unknown youngsters were fine, the girls played it fine, I trusted their every twitch of fear, the violence was subtly dosed, and the second half even had a pleasantly depressing atmosphere. Only the title, Killing Birds, is nonsense, but that's just how the Italians sold their films in the 1980s.


Jolt (2021) 

angielski Yeah, well, badass chicks and dumb guys are all the rage in Hollywood these days. Plus, Tanya Wexler has as much of a clue about the action genre as I do about cooking or how to darn socks. But unlike her, who is not able to pull off a single interesting action scene in this femi-terror, I can at least manage to cook hard boiled eggs :o) Her previous film, Hysteria, was very nice and decent, but someone should tell the executives to stop forcing women where they are not comfortable (with honorable exceptions like Kathryn Bigelow). PS: This time, botox didn't do to Beckinsale as much damage as it has done to her colleagues (Nicole Kidman says hello), she’s still hot.


Krwawe niebo (2021) 

angielski Great work by the makeup artists, the lead actress with her sheer physicality tries her best, and you can never have enough claustrophobic thrillers inside planes, and I also found the storyline of how she came to her vampirism compelling. The problem is that from the “barbecue in the car” scene onwards, it gets dangerously close to full B-movie, where logic takes a holiday, with a horribly overacting main villain who mistakenly thought that the more he screamed, jerked his head like a pigeon and shouted, the more horrible he would be. Mistake. But he wasn't up to the nasty little brat, who was as likable as a freshly attached tick and had about as much acting talent as Okamura and Babiš.


Wyprawa do dżungli (2021) 

angielski I don’t get it, really. I'm as big as The Rock (give or take 50cm), I'm as rich as The Rock (I regularly return returnable bottles), so why don't women want me? :o) ..... Probably because I don't play in similar interchangeable disposable mass produced movies. So, Disney Mouse, what's next?


Legion Samobójców (2021) 

angielski Nothing for the faint hearted. I didn't expect to see anything like this in these politically correct times. The world of comic book movies, which today languishes under the reign of Marvel's childish colouring books, needed someone like James Gunn, a Troma alum, an original in his own right, which is strongly evident in his work. His film is incredibly daring, with a lethal cadence of over-the-top humour, without being a chaotic mess. Gunn has a clear vision, he's fantastic at timing politically incorrect visual jokes, and many of his screenwriting ideas are surprising; he has a God-given talent. And at times, in the barrage of this snarling R-rated gorefest, I felt like I was watching an expensive midnight movie in some grindhouse cinema in the deep 70s. And last but not least, the most original kaiju monster of all time. Hats off to Warner Bros. for not being afraid to give Gunn a wide theatrical release.


Szybcy i wściekli 9 (2021) 

angielski In these times of 'black darkness' I was excited about Vin Diesel, he seemed like a cool action guy and I was looking forward to his next films. But today, with Diesel's ego swollen to the size of his calf's neck, I'm just bored. And if I had a nickel for every time this film breaks the laws of physics, or they say "brother", "sister", "father", "mother" or "family", I'd buy an island in the Caribbean. Or a flat in Prague.


Czarna Wdowa (2021) 

angielski I have nothing against strong female characters who can have men for dinner, as long as they are believable and have some logical basis in the story, but when the core of the villain organization is skinny teenage girls (in other words, 40 kg in wet clothes) who are supposed to take over the world, I do have a problem. Not to mention that the pheromone idea is straight out of my own teenage attempts at literature when I was trying to write science fiction stories. So I'm thinking, Kevin Feige, do you want to hire me as a screenwriter? A little extra money would be nice :o)


Snake Eyes. Geneza G.I. Joe (2021) 

angielski A prime example of the fact that writing scripts for Hollywood blockbusters today is like being on welfare, it must be a treat. No, I wasn’t offended by its stupidity, but it was cookie-cutter to the ground and I didn't give a damn. It has one great idea (a pure heart among ancient anacondas) and that's it. Iko Uwais is completely unused with his few minutes, the action is mediocre and there’s little of it, the targeting of children is quite obvious, but they didn't come to the cinema anyway, so where did the comrades from Paramount go wrong?


Homeland (2011) (serial) 

angielski Yeah, a spy, he’s got it tough. I'm not a fan of alternate history with actual living figures, but this is an exception. A fantastic series, completely unpredictable for most its run. It's admirable the psychological transformation Carrie Mathison undergoes through the series – that, dear Claire, is called the role of a lifetime. And the very last episode absolutely blew me away, in awe of what a brilliantly bittersweet ending they gave to the story. I know it's tempting, but I hope they don't make any more sequels, any more encores, it's perfect this way.