
The story of the film with a touch of journalistic atmosphere takes place in the autumn 1919 after the fall of the proletarian dictatorship. The main figure is Zilahy Kálmán, a high-school teacher, very much attracted to Ady's ideology. He is, at the same time, a rational minded sober character keeping a certain distance from the chaotic events. During the first months of the terror of the Whites, he takes a stand for his persecuted colleague, and with his wife's help, he hides Pálos, a Communist commissar in his flat. His students brought up in the revolutionary spirit of Ady's poems would expect him to be more assertive and revolutionary. When his colleague loses his job, Pálos is imprisoned, and under the pressure of the events Zilahy's sister kills herself. The more radical students stand by their lonely teacher again. (oficjalny tekst dystrybutora)


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