
W Bobasach obserwujemy pierwszy rok z życia czwórki maluchów, od niezapomnianej chwili narodzin aż do przełomowego pierwszego kroku dzielnych bohaterów. Cztery sympatyczne brzdące zdaje się wszystko dzielić, ale w obiektywie kamery cenionego dokumentalisty Thomas Balmèsa energiczna Mari z Tokio, niezłomna Ponijao z Namibii, wszędobylski Bayarjagal z Mongolii, oraz pławiąca się w luksusach Hattie z San Francisco udowadniają, że ciekawość świata, pęd do przygody i bezkresna miłość do mamy łączy dzieciaki ze wszystkich krańców świata. (Kino Świat)


Recenzje (3)


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski A nice documentary that primarily shows the differences in how we raise our children. One Mongolian, one Japanese, one Namibian, and one American. Everyone is brought up differently, and the different ways will seem strange to you, but surprisingly it's not just those from cultures that are quite distant to us. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Since 2004, men are more likely to voluntarily marry. The reason? An excuse to watch Desperate Housewives. That may not be the case (at least I hope it isn't), but the truth is that if all women's shows were like this, men would do nothing but watch them; football or not. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski I believe it took a lot of patience to film certain moments. I think it paid off though. Since the documentary includes almost no dialogue or interviews, the film dragged quite a bit. It was a bit boring at times. But the families were chosen appropriately and the difference between them was noticeable. I found life most comfortable in Japan. On the other hand, I can't imagine life in Namibia and probably not even in Mongolia. Some of the customs are really striking. 4 stars. ()

Galeria (41)