Beltracchi - Die Kunst der Fälschung

  • angielski Beltracchi: The Art of Forgery


A mesmerizing, thought-provoking yet surprisingly amusing documentary on the life and times of Wolfgang Beltracchi, who tricked the art world for nearly 40 years by forging and selling paintings of 20th-century masters. A larger-than-life personality who was responsible for the biggest art forgery scandal of the post-war era. An expert in art history and painting techniques, he tracked down the gaps in the oeuvres of great artists and filled them with his own works. He and his wife Helene fooled renowned experts, curators and art dealers. In Beltracchi - The Art of Forgery, Wolfgang and Helene Beltracchi chat openly – and with great wit and charm – about their quixotic adventures in an overheated art world ruled by blind greed, and in which apparently no one has an answer to the question as to what is an original, and what is a forgery. (Berlinale)



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