Indian Dreams

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Austria / Indie, 2013, 90 min


Set in the realm between dream and harsh reality, this films explores the phenomenon that is India. The train journey from the north to the south, far removed from the usual clichés, transforms into a study of Indian society. Across a nation that is fast becoming the most populated country on earth while ascending to an economic superpower. Driven by a people with a strong belief in the inevitability of their destiny. Bhupinder Chauhan, a young Indian, pursues his childhood dream of seeing the ocean, the waves, the surf. With a long journey from Dehli to the south before him. If Bhupinder wants to reach his destination, he has no choice but to give in to the flow of his journey. His curiosity for the lives of others will lead to an interesting series of encounters, resulting in a knowledge of his fellow's destinies. These experiences, insights and sense of understanding come together to paint an authentic picture of India, with the colours of love, death and hope. Acquaintances along the way include the rickshaw driver Raj who, despite all the sorrows and hardship, wants to be re-born in India even if he comes back as an animal, Lalu, a passionate animal rights activist, who dreams of an animal sanctuary based on western standards; Vicky, disappointed by where life has led him and still dreaming of becoming a Bollywood star and Prabah, who can not face being cast into the role of a woman as society dictates...
Time and again Bhupinder interrupts his journey to share a small part of these people's lives, never afraid of the personal contact, no matter from which part of Indian society they hail from. This way of travelling naturally leads to adventurous and unpredictable encounters. But Bhupinder's longing for the ocean always takes him back into the train compartment. An unmistakable rhythm beats out the journey across the contrasting landscapes of India. He will not be the same man he was when his trip ends. There is no way around it. Travelling into the very soul of India changes you. (Fortuna-Media) (oficjalny tekst dystrybutora)
