Tajná historie - Sexuální dějiny českých zemí

  • angielski Secret History – Sexual Past of the Bohemian Country
Czechy, 2020, 2 h 36 min (Liczba minut: 52 min)



Rapid social development in the 19th century primarily influenced public life. However, private life and sexuality were bound by strict and often unspoken rules applied differently to men and women. An example of a fictional middle-class family shows how social norms were reflected in day-to-day lives and how intimate matters can testify to the development of Czech society. Archival materials accompanied by a commentary of experts in history, criminology, religion, and psychology show the attitude towards prostitution, pornography, and marriage with their transition from taboo to public discourse. The experts also explore the differences between city and countryside life among various social classes. (Academia Film Olomouc)
