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Recenzje (7 557)


The Morning Show - To jest jak grypa (2021) (odcinek) 

angielski This episode definitely deserves five stars. And no, it's not just because Billy Crudup delivered another fantastic performance, or because Reese Witherspoon finally hit her stride. It's not even about the manipulation and sneakiness that I secretly enjoy. No, my rating shot through the roof when I heard that conversation (or rather, monologue) over Italian ice cream. It was like being transported to a place where the world was still okay. But in all seriousness, I can't help but wonder if someone from the writing team got into hot water with an angry mob of American housewives and the anti-male league after that scene. / Lesson learned: When you're fighting for something fervently, make sure you're kicking for the right (and stronger) side. It might just land you an office with a stunning view.


The Morning Show - Mój najmniej ulubiony rok (2021) (odcinek) 

angielski After diving into the second season, I'm left a bit uncertain if I can take it. It started off focusing on cancel culture, but now we're diving into a modern plague? I don't need to tune into the show for that; I just have to switch on any TV channel to get a real-time update on the stats – infected, hospitalized, dead, recovered, re-infected, vaccinated – the whole lot. And you know what those numbers mean to me? Zilch. I couldn't care less about them, and if TMS is going to go down that road, it might be the last straw for me. But let's get back to the episode. It was a decent kick-off for the new season, but it didn't exactly blow me away or have me on the edge of my seat. As usual, the standout was the great Billy Crudup. The others didn't quite shine in the same way. / Lesson learned: If you're planning to celebrate New Year's Eve in the town square, put on some warm clothes.


Ted Lasso - Season 1 (2020) (seria) 

angielski Season 1 of Ted Lasso was quite a surprise. When I found out in the very first episode that it was going to be about a fictional Premier League club run by an American football coach, it pleased me about as much as the sound of the dentist's drill. But it actually put me in a great mood and I ended up giving it four stars. The writers, with a few exceptions, managed to avoid tugging at the viewers’ heartstrings, the humor was quite decent, and although incurable optimists get on my nerves, Ted was so incredibly human that it was impossible to hate him. There were a lot of other great characters, with Juno Temple as a bonus. As for me, I’m satisfied. 4*+


Ojingeo geim - Season 1 (2021) (seria) 

angielski Season 1 features a great deal of violence, and since the end credits were Korean, I can’t be sure that no actors/actresses were harmed in the making of this show. It’s an interesting show, no doubt about it. There is something in it for lovers of violence as well as more philosophical types, as it was a lot like Sophie's choice at times. Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if a similar game became popular in real life. I’m sure there would be no shortage of sponsors or participants. I think there would even be plenty of idiots who would pay to be allowed to stream the contest. I wouldn’t be traumatized if someone like that wouldn’t make it to the next round. I consider the first season a success, despite a few logic holes (I can’t get the egg out of my head). It’s an interesting experience to imagine yourself as one of the contestants. Except for the two Korean women and the grandpa, I didn't like anyone, especially not the main character. I really didn't buy his transformation from a total scumbag to a sensitive humanist. / Lesson learned: If you want to play a game where you die if you lose, forget about your conscience.


Ojingeo geim - Szczęśliwy dzień (2021) (odcinek) 

angielski To be honest, the finale left me a tad disappointed. It confirmed my initial impression of the main character, and I'm almost relieved I didn't end up rooting for him. However, the reveal of the game creator was a real treat; I found myself chuckling at the cynicism of it all. I wish the conclusion had kept that dark, twisted spirit instead of delving into excessive self-reflection and a moralistic tone. Throughout the show, we got a glimpse into the raw nature of the survival instinct. It's interesting how the finale pointedly contrasts this self-preservation with a call for moral values. Nowadays, there are plenty of people quick to proclaim, "I would never...," but they often haven't faced any truly difficult moral dilemma under great pressure. / Lesson learned: If you're considering changing your hair color, think it over carefully. And if you risk your life for a fortune and win, don't be an idiot.


Ojingeo geim - Lider (2021) (odcinek) 

angielski The eighth episode seemed a bit less spectacular, but I found myself enjoying it more than the previous one. However, as a straight viewer, I can't help but feel a bit left out by the creators. First, the marble game, and now, with what went down, we're missing out on two Korean girls who were a real highlight for me. On top of that, there were a couple of things that didn't quite sit right with me. The first was the whole shooting-at-a-pressurized-bottle issue. I get that not every bottle needs to go boom, but I still wouldn't be shooting at it from a meter away, you know? But, more importantly, how does a person in full clothing get hit by glass and then magically take off their shirt without pulling out the shard? Even Houdini would be scratching his head at that one. / Lesson learned: If you've got a steak knife left after dinner, you better brace yourself. And don't trust anyone, not even someone who offers you a kidney. 4*-


Ojingeo geim - SZYCHY (2021) (odcinek) 

angielski Like in the game I just witnessed, this episode was a misstep. Don't get me wrong, the tension of the competition was palpable (for the players, at least), and it once again delved into the tough choices contestants make when their lives are on the line. Up to this point, my satisfaction level was riding high. But those VIP characters... what were the creators thinking? It's pretty obvious from the get-go that this is all a sick form of entertainment for bored, wealthy folks. No need to hammer it in with those over-the-top characters. The animals were annoying, adding nothing substantial and only dragging out the runtime. / Lesson learned: Always have at least two marbles. And watch out for ticks.


Ojingeo geim - 깐부 (2021) (odcinek) 

angielski Just watched the sixth episode, and wow, did it play with my emotions. Surprisingly, I found myself not minding it so much. Odd, right? This time around, all the bloodshed and drama seemed to take a backseat, focusing on something entirely different. The creators really nailed it, highlighting this shift brilliantly. So, a five-star rating from me, even though I'm still seeing through tears :-) Back in the day, when I was a little kid (before video games ruled the world), losing a marble in a game was a personal tragedy. I can't even decide which threat would have stressed me out more: losing a marble and being ridiculed, or getting a bullet to the head? Who knows? Kids have a different way of thinking. / Lesson learned: If you're a jerk, own it; even if you change, no one will buy it.


Ojingeo geim - Sprawiedliwy świat (2021) (odcinek) 

angielski I went into this episode expecting another round of deadly children's games, but what I got was more like a mix of the May uprising and a Bond film. Let me break it down for you. Barricades were going up, patrols were on high alert, and all the while, a stealthy solo search was underway. Well, stealthy might be stretching it... The whole array of activities happening in the monitored corridors of the complex struck me as bizarre, raising some obvious questions. If one person is in charge of all the internal cameras, what are the other twenty people doing in front of their monitors? Playing some kind of online game? It's a head-scratcher. / Lesson learned: An overly ambitious Korean surgeon can be more dangerous than Ebola. And apparently, in Korea, necrophilia is more socially acceptable than homosexuality. Who knew?


Ojingeo geim - Jesteśmy drużyną (2021) (odcinek) 

angielski The fourth episode was undeniably intriguing. The creators really drove home the point that with the right motivation, the selfish beast within many of us awakens (myself included, just so no one thinks I'm preaching). However, the night survival game didn't quite do it for me. Watching nearly two hundred people trying to kill each other in the dark wasn't exactly riveting, and the Korean creators definitely didn't help by potentially inducing an epileptic seizure. On the flip side, I was quite into the final competition. If you're going to go out, it might as well be according to clear rules. But the biggest mystery remained unsolved: How on earth do you put a note in an egg without breaking the shell? There must be a corrupt chicken out there. / Lesson learned: I never did like shared dormitories, and it turns out my instincts were spot on. While it's nice to hear about the triumph of spirit over matter, when a two-hundred-pound guy is charging at you with a hammer, you'd better run. You can think later. That is if you run fast enough.