
Satantic secrets and telekenetic terror combine in this classic made for TV horror movie directed by Hammer Films alumnus Robert Day, from a story co-written by Tom Holland, featuring cinematography by Ric Waite. Shy misfit Sarah Goodwin (Kay Lenz), has a secret gift: the ability to control and destroy with her mind. When Sarah goes off to college with her more outgoing and popular sister, Patty (Morgan Brittany), their plans to join the most prestigious sorority on campus are scuttled by snobby president, Jennifer Lawrence (Morgan Fairchild). Separated from her sister, Sarah is taken in by a rival, less popular sorority, whose mysterious house mother, Mrs. Hunter (Shelley Winters), is harbouring a secret of her own: a scheme to harness Sarah’s terrifying power for revenge. Betrayed by Patty, humiliated by Jennifer, it can only be a matter of time before Sorority Hell Week erupts in flame! (Arrow Films)



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