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Recenzje (1 715)


Głupi i głupszy bardziej (2014) 

angielski There is a wacky and crazy road trip full of unbelievable situations and a wacky sense of humor, though what else would you expect from Dumb and Dumber? Harry and Lloyd are back, and from the opening joke, when you find out why Lloyd is actually in the asylum, it is obvious that he is in great shape. Plus, Jim Carrey is once again perfect in his role and can show off and goof off like no one else can, and Jeff Daniels proves that he may be the only one who can keep up with Carrey. If anyone was worried that these guys were getting too old and did not have it still in them, I could assure them that they convinced me otherwise. I was wonderfully entertained for the most part, so I cannot rate it any differently than the original movie, although one of those stars is probably out of sheer nostalgia.


Akame ga kill! (2014) (serial) 

angielski It started so nice... When I saw the beginning of the first episode with that cheerful male protagonist on his important mission in all those bright colors, I thought it would be another good fantasy anime series. When he ran into Leone, and she robbed him, I thought it would probably be funny too, and when the rich girl took him in and invited him home, I had a warm feeling and I was excited that there would be social issues involved. Over the next few minutes, I was cruelly let down and found that nothing was as happy and playful as I thought. However, I was in for a pretty rough affair where even the cutest characters have secrets; the good guys are the bad guys, and who knows if they are good at all when they murder people, even if they only murder the really bad characters. In other words, nothing is as it seems. This surprising sobering up, the sudden change of pace, and overall mood had me enthralled, and I suspected this would be very good. The following episodes did not disappoint me either; the pace and mood changed so often that I remained fixed and grew to like the characters, although that was another mistake. As I have discovered, it is very popular nowadays to kill off some main characters now. Then, however, the creators of Akame ga Kill take this almost to an absurd level, which could be rivaled only by George R.R. Martin and A Song of Ice and Fire (i.e., Game of Thrones). However, unlike Game of Thrones, Akame ga Kill does not have a very deep plot. So as the episodes go on, it more or less degenerates into something akin to Mortal Kombat. Instead of dealing with the problems of fighting against a corrupt society and dealing with social issues, it is only about survival. I was still excited and determined to solve this puzzle, so I resorted to something I do not normally do and read the manga. I was blissfully surprised to find that the manga was just as moody as the anime series and that there were perhaps even more brutality and gritty scenes than in the anime series (as is usually the case with manga). It left me in silent awe and a combination of utter satisfaction, and there was a slight aftertaste because the material I was indulging in was quite gritty in places. I was convinced that this anime series would be one of my favorites. However, as it happened, I was unpleasantly surprised again because, towards the end of the anime series, the plot sped up considerably. Some rough passages (Wild Hunt and his rampage) and the love story subplot (I am not going to reveal who it involves) were left out. The narrative was slightly edited (for which I had to knock the rating down in exasperation). Obviously, the anime’s creators were heading towards a conclusion, and I suspected that there would not be a second season, so the only thing left to sort out in the last few episodes of the anime series was the answer to the question “Who would survive?” Here, I was repeatedly unpleasantly surprised and my favorite characters got killed off except one (I will not say which one, let me surprise you). To sum up, Akame ga Kill is not an anime series for sensitive and romantic souls. It is not an anime series for fans of complex narratives and complicated storylines. However, I believe that it will appeal to lovers of simplicity, sudden twists, and action-packed scenes with an excess of animated violence. 7.3/10.


Dragons of Camelot (2014) śmieć!

angielski The only reason I watched this particular movie was that I wanted to know what the hell dragons had to do with the legend of King Arthur. I lasted almost half of the movie, even though it was an ordeal, and I had to laugh at times at the awkwardness. There are some crazy costumes, weird cinematography, poor visual effects (except maybe the dragon), charmless actors, and terrible acting, compounded by an awful narrative that must have had the knights of the round-table turning in their graves. Anyway, Titan Global Entertainment just joined Asylum on my "switch off as soon as you see the name" list.


Księga życia (2014) 

angielski The Book of Life is a really fresh, original, and lively animated movie. It has a nice narrative, pleasant soundtrack, interesting animation, and charming characters. I was entertained, and I know now that Mexico is the center of the universe. 7.5/10.


Šigacu wa kimi no uso (2014) (serial) 

angielski Your Lie in April could be an interesting show for fans of classical music and for all those who like to play or play musical instruments. It is a fresh and very interesting anime series for the rest of us about the love of life and music, the joys and worries of youth, and friendship. It has a good narrative, animation, soundtrack, and interesting characters. The first major weakness appears from about the seventh episode onwards when the plot drags on unnecessarily, and this is when I lost my concentration. It only gets worse, because the constant repetition of Kousei having a trauma starts to get boring and annoying towards the end, it is not so much about the music but more about the main male protagonist's relationships and about toying with the viewer's emotions. However, either they did not pull it off or I am as sensitive as a dead fish because the dramas of the last episodes were a bit meh. The only thing I was interested in was how it would end and how accurately some of my fellow reviewers on FilmBooster guessed the plot development. The last episode was quite good, if only because the anime's creators probably realized at the last minute that this was supposed to be an anime series about music. So we finally got a short, undisturbed musical sequence that managed to say a lot more than all the crap talk that abounded in the previous episodes. The denouement was not bad at all either, and you finally found out why it is called what it is called, though some of the more discerning viewers probably suspected this, just as they knew how the blonde would turn out. I did not suspect it, or rather, I did not believe it, so I was quite surprised, although still happy with the ending. This last episode is probably the best episode of the whole anime series, in my opinion. This anime series started very promisingly. However, my enthusiasm gradually waned. Although it has a satisfying ending, the boredom I felt at times and a certain annoyance at the wasted potential does not make up for it. So my overall experience is somewhere on the slightly better side of three stars. 6.3/10.


Trinity Seven (2014) (serial) 

angielski As Miyamoto wrote in his review, this is a harem anime series with a good main character. Arata is one of the few characters who deserves his harem; he is also a normal guy who wants it. Finally, someone who does not have streams of blood coming out of his nose all the time and who is not just another horny teenager. He is finally someone who has a healthy interest in the other sex and whose speech is not full of clichés. In other words, Arata knows how to express himself and what to say to women to make them feel desirable, although he also knows how to flatter women at the right moment and disarm them many times with his immediacy and honesty. The setting is interesting, as is the narrative; the biggest problem is that all the numerous ecchi interludes prevent it from going anywhere and it is too often very clichéd, and there are so many tropes meaning we see more naked female bodies than interesting plot twists. 5.5/10.


Need for Speed (2014) 

angielski I have to say that this movie features great cars and some quite interesting racing with some pleasant locations, but that is about it, hence the two stars. The narrative is told in a strange way and it was not original - just some clichéd rivalry issue between two drivers and a quest for revenge for the ruined life of a friend. Unlike in The Fast and the Furious, I did not get on with the main male protagonist or his crew (the main female protagonist was not very sexy, either), so I was almost wishing for the cops to catch them already. I do not know if it was the stupid Czech dubbing or if the dialogues are this crazy in the original; however, the lines of those guys and the way they were communicating with each other left me with only the question “WTF?” and it was almost impossible to bear. Somehow I do not believe that guys in their twenties talk like I did when I was thirteen. If there were going to be another NFS, I would have liked a better story, a more charismatic main protagonist, a prettier girl, and edgy, relevant, and believable lines, not just a random load of supposedly funny lines meant to sound edgy to kids aged thirteen to fifteen. 3/10.


Kiseidžú: Sei no kakuricu (2014) (serial) 

angielski One evening, the country's inhabitants are attacked by parasites who try to take over their host by penetrating his brain through his nose or ears. One such parasite attempted to enter the body of the student Shinichi but was unsuccessful and had to take his right arm as a means of survival. Thus it happened that the unsuccessful parasite and its young host had to learn to live in symbiosis and join their forces to guarantee their mutual survival. Moreover, they are considered potentially dangerous by other parasites due to their coexistence. Therefore, any contact with another parasite usually leads to a struggle for survival... Yes, I guess it has its pitfalls (as discussed), even though the atmosphere, in my opinion, is good. The anime's creators had good source material to work with, so I am not surprised, so even if it has weaknesses, I somehow cannot imagine that I would award it only four stars after what I have seen because of the suspense, atmosphere, and plot and its depth, despite not reaching the scope of the original source material, make this show more than just an above-average performance, and I found it incredibly entertaining throughout. 9.5/10.


Sora no Method (2014) (serial) 

angielski As I have been explaining watching this anime warms my heart and is a very enjoyable affair, I find Noel in particular irresistibly cute. The show is not great in terms of content (the plot is often quite predictable) and it is all pretty crazy (what can you expect from an anime series where the main character is a "saucer"). However, the animation and cuteness (even though it is obvious that this is exactly what this anime series is betting on) can be very pleasing and touching. I thought the anime’s creators did a great job, so I have no problem giving it an above-average rating and hope that next season there will be something similar because there are few cute things like this, and I get a good night’s sleep after watching this type of show. 8/10.


Ókami šódžo to kuro ódži (2014) (serial) 

angielski This show is full of various tropes and things we have already seen a hundred times before. In addition, the main female protagonist is pathetic, although you could expect no less from someone who agrees to be a dog unless it is revealed that she is a liar. I have enjoyed all the anime series listed that Wolf Girl and Black Prince have been compared to, and I even occasionally enjoyed this one, too, plus I liked the tough sadistic main male protagonist. However, I still have to express my disillusionment somehow that they are turning these romcoms into clichéd shows worthy of trashy romance novels. So even though it captivated me, I am not going to award this show more than three stars. 5.5/10.