Apple TV+ - VOD

Apple TV+

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I'm not saying that this is clearly Buster Keaton's best film (in my view, Sherlock Jr. and Steamboat Bill, Jr. rival him for that title), but it's a great film that can't be faulted at all. Sophisticated action scenes,… (więcej)

kaylinNa Zachodzie bez zmian(1930) 

The portrayal of battles in this film is incredibly well-done, which makes you fear what is yet to come. The deaths of the individual characters seem a bit off, but even today, it doesn't necessarily have to look… (więcej)


An inconsistent classic. Boris Karloff is great and the individual scenes are brilliantly shot, but they are somehow mechanically, uninterestingly patched together into a single bland whole whose cardinal handicap is… (więcej)

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