Chili - VOD

Dziś najgorętsze


W ofercie od 29.11.2023  
W ofercie od 16.11.2023
W ofercie od 09.11.2023


W ofercie od 20.10.2023
W ofercie od 06.10.2023
W ofercie od 26.09.2023
W ofercie od 23.09.2023
W ofercie od 19.09.2023
W ofercie od 15.09.2023
W ofercie od 30.08.2023
W ofercie od 25.08.2023


W ofercie od 09.08.2023
W ofercie od 04.08.2023
W ofercie od 27.07.2023
W ofercie od 07.07.2023
W ofercie od 05.07.2023
W ofercie od 22.06.2023
W ofercie od 15.06.2023
W ofercie od 12.06.2023


W ofercie od 09.06.2023
W ofercie od 26.05.2023
W ofercie od 25.05.2023
W ofercie od 23.05.2023
W ofercie od 18.05.2023
W ofercie od 12.05.2023


W ofercie od 05.05.2023
W ofercie od 27.04.2023



KakaBez litości 3. Ostatni rozdział(2023) 

It doesn't beat the originality and the villain of the first one, but it does beat the sterile and uninspired second one. The Equalizer thankfully didn't end up like, say, Taken, and with the third film, the duo… (więcej)


The direction and the acting brilliantly build-up a mesmerizing sociopathic decadence towards... Well, that's really the only problem with the film. Towards what?

LimaGran Turismo(2023) 

Considering that this at its core it is a long, slightly intrusive commercial for a Sony product, it's very good. Although it didn't cost much, it manages to disguise itself thanks to Blomkamp's skill and looks like a… (więcej)