Apple TV+ - VOD

Apple TV+

W ofercie od 26.10.2019  
W ofercie od 25.10.2019


W ofercie od 23.10.2019
W ofercie od 22.10.2019


W ofercie od 21.10.2019
W ofercie od 20.10.2019
W ofercie od 18.10.2019


W ofercie od 17.10.2019
W ofercie od 16.10.2019


W ofercie od 15.10.2019



StanislausZombieland 2: Kulki w łeb(2019) 

(SPOILER ALERT!) Zombieland offers a very decent intro, you cannot help laughing when you see the film's logo, then slowly but surely it leads to the badass finale, which ends with an incredibly funny tribute to the … (więcej)

EvilPhoEniXHotel Mumbaj(2018) 

This year is ruled by "the lower the expectations, the bigger the bang", and Hotel Mumbai is a fine example. The film focuses on the Mumbai terror attack of 2008, where a group of young terrorists broke into a hotel to… (więcej)

NinadeLCzarownica 2(2019) 

Disney's generic remakes of cartoons in live-action format are challenging, overwhelming, and often boring. Fortunately, at least Alice and Maleficent are honorable exceptions that use the original cartoons as a… (więcej)