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RemedyBulwar zachodzącego słońca(1950) 

The cool thing about this noir gem, aside from its impressive ode to classic Hollywood, is that it manages with equal brilliance to hold up a mirror to the entire tinsel colossus. Its non-trivial approach results, among… (więcej)

NinadeLBulwar zachodzącego słońca(1950) 

Sunset Blvd. is one of those films that I have to constantly re-evaluate within myself because too many people try to reinterpret it and rape its premise. I'd recommend more study of Gloria Swanson's career, as without… (więcej)

IsherwoodThe Day the Earth Stood Still(1951) 

Without the paper backdrops and rubber aliens, Robert Wise created an intriguing vision of alien visitation. Although it relies on typical 1950s tropes (archetypal supporting characters, anti-atomic agitprop), it still… (więcej)