Disney+ - VOD


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ScalpelexisThe Mandalorian - Rozdział 5: Wspólnik(2019) 

If I'm to take this as a filler (and it’s regulation filler, unfortunately), it's a nice enough bit of nostalgia. But it's all wrapped up in the word nostalgia, because if I wasn't a SW fan and this was the first SW… (więcej)

NecrotongueThe Mandalorian - Rozdział 5: Wspólnik(2019) 

I'll admit, I was a bit too generous with the rating this time. Lesson learned. The fifth part just didn't do it for me. Pali and her service left me cold, and don't even get me started on that dim-witted Toro Calican.… (więcej)

KakaThe Mandalorian - Rozdział 5: Wspólnik(2019) 

A fan-fest for all SW geeks. Tatooine, a dusty spacecraft workshop, lots of desert, gliders and of course some action. Not much in terms of filmmaking, but fans will surely give it one more star.