Disney+ - VOD


W ofercie od 19.02.2019  


W ofercie od 18.02.2019
W ofercie od 17.02.2019


W ofercie od 16.02.2019
W ofercie od 15.02.2019
W ofercie od 14.02.2019


W ofercie od 13.02.2019
W ofercie od 12.02.2019


W ofercie od 11.02.2019



MrHladAlita: Battle Angel(2019) 

I wasn't expecting much, but I was hoping it would turn out to be a fun and nice looking piece of crap. And in the end, it did. Alita probably won't appear on my list of the best films of the year, but the two hours in… (więcej)

D.MooreAlita: Battle Angel(2019) 

I was a little worried about Robert Rodriguez, but James Cameron's name carefully balanced them, I don't know the original, and I generally don't like manga too much, but I did like the teasers... So I went into Alita… (więcej)

wooozieAlita: Battle Angel(2019) 

Technically brilliant, but in terms of storytelling, I’m sorry, but I can't think of a better description than moronic. Predictable, zero emotions, bad cast of supporting characters, absence of logic and absolutely no… (więcej)