Disney+ - VOD


W ofercie od 21.01.2015  


W ofercie od 20.01.2015
W ofercie od 19.01.2015


W ofercie od 18.01.2015


W ofercie od 16.01.2015


W ofercie od 15.01.2015



kaylinVictor Frankenstein(2015) 

The monster should be the highlight of Victor Frankenstein, but it's not. Perhaps in the moment when Frankenstein and Igor are still trying to revive the creature, which is stitched together from parts of monkeys, it… (więcej)

MarigoldVictor Frankenstein(2015) 

If this is some sort of sophisticated post-modern meta-game to demonstrate that if you sew together disparate rotten pieces and forget to give it a brain, a retarded monster will result, I apologize for not picking up… (więcej)

MalarkeyVictor Frankenstein(2015) 

The fact that parts of the movie seem filmed a bit in a B movie style changes nothing about the fact that I had quite a pleasant time watching it. It’s a pity that the middle part of the movie was quite boring.… (więcej)