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Najlepsze filmy tego VOD



DionysosLe Mans '66(2019) 

The car is an industry act and the film is an industry act. Both the car and the film grow from the soil of capitalism: after all, cars and films were already born in the advanced stage of industrial society, they are… (więcej)

MarigoldGwiezdne wojny: Przebudzenie Mocy(2015) 

I don't mind the criticism that it's all too derived and the whole movie is the most expensive fan made affair of all time. I would even add doubts about the main villain, which so far looks more like he’s from a Marvel… (więcej)

FilmmaniakNie czas umierać(2021) 

No Time to Die is a worthy conclusion to the pentalogy in which James Bond is believable not only as an action hero saving the world, but also as a melancholic, torn and vulnerable man who longs for loving closeness and… (więcej)