Max - VOD


W ofercie od 24.08.2022  
W ofercie od 21.04.2022


kaylinSherlock i upiorna panna młoda(2016) 

We've been waiting for it for a long time, and it seemed for a long time that it would be a fantastic episode. Especially because I thought it related to the past and that it would just be a little something, simply a… (więcej)

MalarkeySherlock i upiorna panna młoda(2016) 

First of all, I would like to thank the Czech TV that it allowed me to see this episode of Sherlock in such a short interval since its premiere. Hats off. Watching it one day after the premiere on BBC is a luxury that… (więcej)

IsherwoodSherlock i upiorna panna młoda(2016) 

Moffat and Gattis grind the hyperbole and the viewing world goes corkscrew. It's pure cocaine entertainment, a prelude between series that neither resolves nor advances anything. A separate plaything and a beta version… (więcej)

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