Netflix - VOD


W ofercie od 16.12.2022  



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Najlepsze filmy tego VOD



POMOWulkan: Ewakuacja z Whakaari(2022) 

The Volcano is a nice documentary, but unfortunately with few authentic shots from the scene of the event. It is therefore more powerful in the survivors’ accounts than in the horror felt as the was unfolding. To put… (więcej)

NecrotongueHell Dogs(2022) 

I approached this movie with a hint of skepticism but those worries quickly dissipated. The storyline didn't exactly break new ground, but it wasn't half bad. If you're familiar with your fair share of mafia movies,… (więcej)

GoldbeaterWulkan: Ewakuacja z Whakaari(2022) 

Although I’d heard about the event in the media, my understanding of the setting and the scale of the disaster was very limited. This film gives a good glimpse into the heart of the action and it has to be said that it… (więcej)