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3DD!3Noc myśliwego(1955) 

A repulsive Robert Michum in the role of a murderer without a conscience who threatens his adoptive daughter with ripping off her arm if she won’t obey him. A beautifully filmed noir drama about stolen money and… (więcej)

DaViD´82Noc myśliwego(1955) 

A (non)noir (non)Christian (non)fairy tale that captivates with its peculiar atmosphere and charismatic villain, but trips over its own feet with shoddy sets, appalling theatrical overacting by the entire cast, and an… (więcej)

MarigoldStrzał w ciemności(1964) 

A Shot In The Dark is the rightful beginning of the Pink Panther series. It’s true that Blake Edwards made The Pink Panther a year before this gem, but there, officially executive idiot Clouseau only played the role of… (więcej)

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