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OthelloStrzał w ciemności(1964) 

When I was eight years old, I used to eat up the escapades of a mustachioed moron man who breaks everything he can and blames it on anyone but himself. Even my parents started calling me Clouseau, the bastards, due to… (więcej)

novotenNoc myśliwego(1955) 

The question remains as to whether Robert Mitchum is truly such a perfect actor or if he just shines compared to most of the other actors involved. Except for the adorable and believable Sally Bruce in the role of Pearl… (więcej)

FilmmaniakThe Beast of Yucca Flats(1961) 

Basically, I could give this film either 0% or 100% depending on my blood alcohol level when I happen to watch it. On the one hand, this is an incredibly bad monstrosity, but on the other hand, outrageous fun during… (więcej)

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