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OthelloStrzał w ciemności(1964) 

When I was eight years old, I used to eat up the escapades of a mustachioed moron man who breaks everything he can and blames it on anyone but himself. Even my parents started calling me Clouseau, the bastards, due to… (więcej)

gudaulinStrzał w ciemności(1964) 

Some returns to the past should be avoided, so that one's sweet memories do not turn into dust and ashes. Sometimes the confrontation with reality is truly unpleasantly painful. I had the Pink Panther series fixed as a… (więcej)

kaylinŚcieżki chwały(1957) 

How do you critically examine the military? The answer is Stanley Kubrick's Paths of Glory. The scene where the general decides to shoot one platoon because it chose not to obey orders and not to die is one thing, but… (więcej)

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