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FilmmaniakThe Beast of Yucca Flats(1961) 

Basically, I could give this film either 0% or 100% depending on my blood alcohol level when I happen to watch it. On the one hand, this is an incredibly bad monstrosity, but on the other hand, outrageous fun during… (więcej)


Riveting - that's the word that best describes The Train. Frankenheimer's ornate action ride doesn't look like a 64-year-old film at all, and in this day and age of digital effects and shaky cameras, it has absolutely… (więcej)

IsherwoodThe Mechanic(1972) 

This is a typical macho action film, with the traditionally stony Charles Bronson, in particular, being good. It has been gnawed a bit by the ravages of time, which leaves the plot dragging a bit, but it makes up for it… (więcej)

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