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Apple TV+

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D.MooreObywatel Kane(1941) 

A very good film on the theme of "Having everything and having nothing", undoubtedly timeless, not only in terms of the way it looks and how imaginatively it is shot. But is it necessary to talk about it as the best… (więcej)

kaylinMade for Each Other(1939) 

I don't think James Stewart can disappoint me, even in these first films he made. Even though by that time, he already had about two dozen films under his belt, he had only been acting for five years. There's something… (więcej)

StanislausObywatel Kane(1941) 

Citizen Kane is undoubtedly one of the gems of world cinema, and even though I am not giving it a full score, because I have seen (subjectively speaking) better films from the last century, it still deserves my… (więcej)

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