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Apple TV+

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W ofercie od 19.11.2020



EvilPhoEniXKrudowie 2: Nowa era(2020) 

It looked like Soul was going to be the animated film of the year, but I managed to catch up with the Croods and it's decided. After Zootropolis, The Croods 2 is for me without a doubt the best animated film ever. There… (więcej)

J*A*S*MRaya i ostatni smok(2021) 

A soulless safe bet. The film looks beautiful, yes, but that’s something expected from an expensive animation movie from the biggest studio in Hollywood, and not something worth praise. The story, on the other hand,… (więcej)

AzuroseKrudowie 2: Nowa era(2020) 

Compared to the first film, this one is more complex. There are many more conflicts, and they tie in well with each other. I dare say that the film is funnier because the humour is punchy and comes more from the… (więcej)